About Us

A Special Client Experience
Right now, you might be asking, “are we the right fit for each other?” Why? Because we say that at the beginning of any new relationship.
Our history with clients tells us the best relationships happen only when our values and thought processes sync up. To help with this process, we've scrutinized our relationships and found our clients share several characteristics.
- They Expect Communication
- They Live Principled Lives
- They Value Their Money
- They Feel Wealth Means More Than Money
- They Keep an Open Mind
- They See the Broader Picture
Our Services

Our passion is to help clients like you
Plain, Easy to Understand Language
Transparent & Straightforward Fees
Adjustable Planning You Can Touch & Use
Speak to Us

A Unique Opportunity Awaits
We designed a process at Pivot Wealth Strategies that has been used for many years. This process enables us to utilize specialists, which allows us to grasp each client's specific needs. We stand as talent scouts and wealth managers in that process.